Does the Leela School Sell Mushrooms?

Often we are asked if sell mushrooms to help with gaining wisdom as part of the Psilocybin program we offer. The short and clear answer is no. First, as a school and even as a facilitator, you do not sell mushrooms. In Oregon, the service center sells the mushroom to the client directly, so that … Read more

Is the Leela School Psilocybin Facilitator Program Ethical?

Ethical integrity is interlaced in inside of all of our Psilocybin program. It’s an essential part of the program and we support you is in discovering your own deeper silence and your own deeper stillness. You will also discover your own deeper sense personal integrity. In our Psilocybin facilitator program we include structural guidance so … Read more

Hypnosis in Contemporary Medicine

self realization and hypnotherapy courses

In 2005, a review was undertaken by James H. Stewart, MD, on behalf of the Mayo Clinic, entitled “Hypnosis in Contemporary Medicine”. Hypnosis became popular as a treatment for medical conditions in the late 1700s when effective pharmaceutical and surgical treatment options were limited. To determine whether hypnosis has a role in contemporary medicine, relevant … Read more

Announcing Certification in Clinical Hypnosis

self realization and hypnotherapy courses

We are very pleased to announce the first Module 1 course, this is a 10 day in-person retreat with Eli Jaxon-Bear, the founder of the Leela School, alongside Leela Teachers and Mentors, covering the syllabus in an environment of openness and heart-based learning, experiencing, practicing, and deep support. Certification in Clinical Hypnosis, Level 1 – … Read more

The Leela School receives A.C.H.E accreditation

self realization and hypnotherapy courses

We are excited to let you know we received the A.C.H.E. (American Council of Hypnotist Examiners) accreditation in January 2016. You can read more about the A.C.H.E. and the A.C.H.E. code of ethics here: A.C.H.E. American Council of Hypnotist Examiners ACHE Code of Ethics