Does the Leela School Sell Mushrooms?

Often we are asked if sell mushrooms to help with gaining wisdom as part of the Psilocybin program we offer. The short and clear answer is no.

First, as a school and even as a facilitator, you do not sell mushrooms. In Oregon, the service center sells the mushroom to the client directly, so that the facilitator is not actually directly involved in the buying, selling, and procuring of mushrooms. This allows for a level of safety that is helpful for all parties involved. The facilitator will certainly support the client to come to a decision about dosage, but does not provide the mushrooms.

As we’ve alluded to in the past presentations, the purpose for the journey is made clear in the process, so that the facilitator works with the client to see what is it that they’re looking for.

So if someone is looking for wisdom, we can we can work with that. We can deepen that to find out what kind of wisdom they’re looking for and what explore what they get if they had the wisdom. So the process is about supporting people to discover their own wisdom. It is the the deepest thing to explore and that the mushroom opens each person up to their own authentic wisdom.

If you would like to try connect with a Psilocybin Facilitator or explore our Training program legally in Oregon, you could contact Leigh who is also facilitator here to discuss your situation.