In Service of Awakening

A 40-hour 11-week  live online course with Enneagram pioneer and author Eli Jaxon-Bear, and Leela School teachers. This course is based on the book Fixation to Freedom: The Enneagram of Liberation by Eli Jaxon-Bear.


✔︎  Recordings of each weekly Live Meeting

✔︎  Prerecorded workshops on each fixation, available for lifetime


Total Cost


About this course

The Enneagram of Liberation is an ancient map of the human psyche. In Eli's unique non-dual approach, it serves as a powerful wisdom mirror to help you see through the structure of your egoic identity and wake up to your true nature. This course is designed for anyone who wants to deepen their realization and incorporate this powerful tool into their existing coaching, teaching or therapeutic practice.

YouTube video

In this course you will...

  • Realize a new depth of insight into both your own and your clients’ egoic fixation.
  • Receive Eli's decades of intimate knowledge of this map of the ego; uncover its true potential as a wisdom mirror to reflect who you are not, and to reveal the qualities of true essence.
  • Learn the skillful means of embodied inquiry to facilitate insight; learn experientially through live classes, exercises, weekly pods, and videos.
  • Directly experience the difference between acting as essence or acting as fixation.
  • Learn about the historical roots of this Pythagorean Mystery School teaching and its modern application to character fixation.
  • Ask clarifying questions about your fixation and playfully discover its aspects through our weekly pods
  • Receive loving support to directly experience your true self that is veiled by  fixation.

What to Expect

This is an 11-week Course comprising weekly videos, meeting in pods, and a Thursday evening group meeting with Eli Jaxon-Bear. We will focus on one fixation each week. We will start the week by watching an hour and half video focused on a particular fixation, using movie clips and personal reports. We will then break into pods to work with this fixation, allowing time for in-depth, detailed exploration. Then we will watch a follow-up video, mid-week, to see the same fixation examined in a different way again using film clips and personal reports. The week ends with a live meeting with Eli to lead exercises and deepen the conversation.

Structure of the course:
Thursday June 20th 2024 – Introduction Class 6pm-7:30pm (US Pacific Time)

Following the introduction, each week you will be given 2 videos to watch on your own time. You will meet with your own pod early in the week at a time that works best for your group.  Thursdays we meet back with Eli and the entire group for questions and answers and exercises. You will have access to all of the videos as well as the recording of each Thursday night meeting.

June 20th
June 27th
July 11th
July 18th
July 25th
August 1st
August 8th
August 15th
August 22nd
August 29th
September 5th

US Pacific: Thursdays 6pm – 7:30pm

US Eastern: Thursdays 9pm – 10:30pm

AU Sydney AEST: Fridays 11am – 1:30pm

NZ Auckland NZST: Fridays 1pm – 3:30pm

Japan JST: Fridays 10am – 12:30pm

IN EUROPE, CEST TIME: You will meet with Heidi and Sylvia Tuesday evenings, 7pm – 8:30pm starting June 25th, 2024 (running one week behind the schedule above)

What is the Enneagram?

Everyone wants to be happy. Even those who hate themselves and those who do violence to others can trace the drive back to the deepest unfulfilled desire for happiness.

Why is it that so few people are truly happy and fulfilled? How is it that the universal quest for happiness has led to the full spectrum of suffering on planet Earth?

The Enneagram of Liberation offers an answer to this puzzle and points to the solution.

In our time, the Enneagram of Liberation has appeared as an illusory medicine to cure an illusory disease. The disease is the egoic idea of separation based in the story of „me and my life.“ The cure is to look in the wisdom mirror of the Enneagram to see past all false identification, to your true identity.

Benefits of knowing your fixation

The great gift of the Enneagram of Liberation is that it gives us the precise structure of the knot of ego. Awareness is the sword, and the Enneagram shows us the knot that needs to be cut. In this way enlightenment, or self-realization, is possible.

The Enneagram reveals how we have falsely identified ourselves as a body with behaviors, thoughts and feelings. The trap of our spiritual culture is to try to be an elightened “somebody” but the ego cannot become enlightened.

Once these patterns of subconscious identification are brought to light, they can be discarded in the search for the true “I.” In this way, the Enneagram is immediately useful in the process of awakening, or enlightenment.

When we are ready to look directly at that which we have hidden, avoided justified, and what we are running from and what we are trying to get, the Enneagram gives us wisdom mirror to see our true selves. It provides us the opportunity to see the mechanical nature of the ego that we have identified as “self.” In this way, the Enneagram is extremely precise in its description of what is false, so that what is true may be revealed.

With the Enneagram you can start recognizing the patterns of eogic fixation not only in yourself, but also in your relationships. Forgiveness and compassion become possible when you discover that each one of us is simply wired a little differently, each having a different process for searching for happiness. Recognizing your parents’ egoic structure gives insight into what may seem to have been inexcusable behavior. With this understanding, we can begin to forgive ourselves, our partners, our parents, and our children. We can stop demanding that the people in our lives be different from the way they are. We can stop demanding apples from a pear tree.

Through the process of recognizing our patterns of fixation, something very important takes place. Conscious mind inevitably realizes that there is more going on in life than meets the eye.

The great potential of the Enneagram is that it can be used to cut your identification with the ego. You can discover that the ego is just a pattern; it is not who you are. You can see through the veils of false identity to realize the truth.

Enneagram of Awakening symbol
This is the nine-point enneagram based on Pythagorean mathmatics. It shows the different “fixations” and how they relate to each other.

Once you have seen through all false identification, it is possible to realize true freedom, to live as boundless essence of being rather than in the imagination of who you believe yourself to be. Free from imagining yourself to be who you are not, you will recognize your own Self everywhere. In this meeting with your Self, you are the silent embodiment of happiness and bliss.

How to find out your Enneagram fixation?

Online tests?

Most people who discover the Enneagram head straight for an online test to see what number they are. Over the decades of working with people individually and in large groups around the world, we have found these online tests to be largely ineffective in identifying the correct fixation type. The reason is that most people are unconscious of the deeper patterns that are running their lives, underneath the apparent personality. Many people have a story about themselves that in fact misses the deeper structure of their character fixation.

For example, someone might imagine themselves to be shy and like their own space, so they show up in the online test as a 5 fixation. Yet many people feel this way, across all fixations, and in fact may be hiding a deep rage or unworthiness that is more core, and this reveals a different character fixation at play.

Taking this into consideration, having a direct personal approach with an enneagram teacher or mentor, attending retreats such as offered by the Leela School and Eli Jaxon-Bear, there is the possibility to see what egoic tendencies are running, and to see through to the depth of Being.

In a retreat setting, you are asked questions that cut to the core and reveal the more fundamental movements of the fixation, rather than getting caught in a story of personality

The Enneagram Mastery Course with Eli is structured to look at each fixation in depth, seeing exemplars who show the nuances of the fixation, and inquiry questions that will help bring to light the subconscious patterns that are as yet unseen.

Need help deciding about this Enneagram Course?

Request this Free 3-part Intro to the Enneagram of Liberation Course

*Multi-media course delivered via email
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Biggest Mistakes using the Enneagram

Most people use the Enneagram as a tool to get a better story, be a better someone, and have a better life. The trap is that you identify further, now as a number, and use that number to excuse and justify suffering. In the Leela School we use the Enneagram only to wake up from the trance of suffering. To discover these character fixations as who you are not and discover who you really are. This is the possibility to use the Enneagram as a sacred tool for awakening, and not to go deeper into trance.

Why learn with Eli Jaxon-Bear?

Who Is Eli Jaxon-Bear?

Eli Jaxon-Bear is an American spiritual teacher and author of several ground-breaking books including, Wake Up and Roar, Sudden Awakening, and Fixation to FreedomThe Enneagram of Liberation. He lives in Ashland, Oregon, with his wife of fifty years,  Gangaji, who is a world renowned spiritual teacher. Before he met his final teacher, Sri H.W.L. Poonja - Papaji, in 1990, he was best known for his new model of the Enneagram and Ego and synthesizing a radically new approach for training therapists during a decade of leading the certification program at Esalen Institute. Now he infuses his mastery and depth of experience with his teacher’s transmission of a silent mind and open heart, opening the possibility for final liberation through self-realization.

Eli has taught hundreds of  retreats all over the world, working with thousands of people to discover their true nature. His mastery is reflected in his capacity to work with individuals directly during the retreats and courses, both to identify the correct ego fixation, and to assist the student to wake up from the trance of their personal identity.