Retreat and Deepen Over 5 Days with Heart-Centered Instructors and Community in Europe
This retreat is taught in German by Heidi and Caroline in the city of Hamburg (or Online)
April 30 - May 4, 2025
Get all the details here
Retreat Schedule
Wednesday April 30
Meeting with Eli 8pm- ONLINE ONLY
At the Venue
Thursday, May 1st
morning: 12.00 pm – 1.30 pm
afternoon: 4.30 pm – 6.00 pm
evening: 8.00 pm meeting with Eli
Friday, May 2nd & Sat May 3rd
morning: 11.00 am – 12.30 pm
afternoon: 4.30 pm – 6.00 pm
evening: 8.00 pm meeting with Eli
Sunday, May 4th
morning: 11.00 am – 12.30 pm
Final Meeting: 3.00 pm - 4.30 pm
*Meetings are typically 90 mins. Times listed are in Europe CEST

Meetings with Heidi and Caroline are in German only, (there will alway be someone to assist if clarification is needed).
Evening meetings with Eli will be in English with German translation.
Venue and Amenities
Altona, hamburg
Surrounded by nearby parks and monuments, Shiatsu zum Leben is located West of the city center in the suburb of Altona. The venue is an educational institution for Shiatsu massage and hosts many non-dual events and learning opportunities outside of their own courses. It is a tranquil space, brightly lit, clean, and conveniently located near public transit.

There are kitchen amenities for making tea, coffee, and purified drinking water. Lots of food options nearby for you to choose during the breaks. You are welcome to bring your lunch and eat in the venue kitchen as well. Nearby parks and the river are perfect for stretching your legs in between deep inquiry sessions.
Where To Stay
This is a non-residential retreat. You are responsible for your own housing and meals. Please check Airbnb and other sites for accommodations in the city of Hamburg.

Inquire into Fixation at the German Enneagram Retreat
Meet your subconscious patterns with support from expert instructors
"I attended Leela School to get to know myself on a deeper level than just what you see in behavior. It became very clear what I want, what makes me happy and how to live my life in a way that happiness and insight never leave. My loved ones also benefit from this. I am so much more relaxed. If you are looking for yourself, this is a great way to discover!"
"A unique combination, skillful means together with deep, maybe the deepest insights. I experienced this and I will integrate it in Silence. In my life I have been in many groups of people but this group was by far the most upright."
"I was rooted in the fear that simply being is not enough. But what a great misconception. The peace I seek, and hear in your words, I find only by being nothing at all. There’s the gold. There’s beauty. Thank you Eli Jaxon-Bear"
How to Get Here
Shiatsu zum Leben
Holländische Reihe 31,
22765 Hamburg, Germany