Quiet Mind and Open Heart Mini-Course 

Part 1 of the True Friend Course with Eli Jaxon-Bear

"My intention is that everybody wake up, and stay awake. Wherever you are, you can be a True Friend for the world when you have a quiet mind and an open heart. This is what we have all wanted, what we have all been praying for: the possibility of a world of harmony and peace; a world that is in balance. This is our time now."
~ Eli Jaxon-Bear

What does it mean to be a True Friend?

Everyone wants to be happy. So, why is it that so few are truly happy? Only ignorance could create suffering in the pursuit of happiness.

The question is: how do we stop it?

Each one of us individually must decide to be part of the solution. To be part of the solution is to be willing to end ignorance where you are.

The root of ignorance is the belief in an imaginary identity. Falling into a trance called “I.” When “I” arises in the mind, fear and greed arises in response. When the mind is silent and open, there is a possibility to discover the deeper truth of who you are: empty awareness, silent intelligence, overflowing with love and bliss. This is modeled by the True Friend.

A True Friend has a quiet mind, an open heart, and doesn’t take anything personally.

A True Friend is solid and unmoving; open and fluid; deep and subtle. This stance supports everything else.

A True Friend holds no position for or against; does not agree or disagree.

A True Friend is not full of answers and is not ignorant. In having no position, a True Friend can be an ally and a truth teller.

A True Friend is the open space where the light of consciousness can be reflected back to itself.

To be open space is not to hold space, as there is no one holding anything. To be open space is the greatest gift that we can give one another.

No training is needed, no qualification or practice, merely the willingness to be a silent loving being with no agenda. To be quiet and curious.
