Leela School Groups

The following groups are free gatherings that are meant for students of The Leela School. Anyone who has attended at least one Awakening Retreat at any of our regions are welcome to attend. If you are not currently on our mailing list or part of our Facebook page, please contact the host directly to be added.

Au/NZ/US Skills Practice Group

Held monthly, online via Zoom. This is an opportunity to meet together to practice and deepen our skills as True Friends.
Each meeting focusses on a particular theme, eg. rapport, trance inductions, an intervention, specific inquiry questions...
For more information please email: Julia juliakgreen@gmail.com

European Skills Practice Group

The EU Practice Meeting is a monthly event to practice all the skills we learn during the modules.
All students that have been part of module 1 at least once are welcome.
This meeting takes place at the last Sunday of almost every month at CET 10.30am-12.30pm for more than 5 years now. We practice in English.
We usually work in triads so you can choose to be in the role of a True Friend, client and or observer.
It gives you the opportunity to try out and play with the skills freely and receive proper feedback from other True Friends.
The meeting is hosted by the Mentors-In-Training and the Mentors.
We look forward to seeing you next time!
Contact for questions: marja@harrijvan.nl

Vienna Leela Group

This group is an opportunity for participants of Leela School programs living in (or visiting) Austria to meet in person.
We use our time together to build a supportive space and to stay true, anchor and deepen. We are sharing inquiries, repeating questions, Leela skills and silence, integrating the body as a start.
Speaking German and English – both welcome. Welcome to join us, if you are nearby.
Time: every first Sunday 6pm-8pm.

Upcoming: 8.12.2024 (exception), 5.1.2025, 2.2.2025, 2.3.2025, 6.4.2025, 4.5.2025, 1.6.2025
Location: Vienna

Detailed address and contact: Elisa Millonig (elisa@innersource.at) and
Priti Coles (info@clearvoicecoaching.com)

Collective True Friend Practice

Let’s find out and explore by playing this game, taking risks, relying on a shared responsibility of the group until a whole game, an improvisation is unfolding with any knowing and control but more unexpected moments and playfulness! The main focus of this group exercise lies on the playful tool of language – as our direct access towards the world and an immediate translation of how we experience it.
Therefore, we will explore the field of the Meta-Model of the Present Condition more deeply:
The Meta-Model as well as the Present Condition give important insights about how we put ourselves into trance, the trance itself and how we can free ourselves from it.

Please prepare therefore the pages 66-69 beforehand our meeting.
The exercise is open to everybody of the Leela School so that all different-year-students are invited to share their knowledge and experience and connect!
The sessions will last about one and a half till two hours.
For more details contact Sasha (davydova.sasha.la@gmail.com) or Sylvia (info@sylviahiemstra.de)

9 Fixation Group

This is a group that is sometimes just for people with the 9 Fixation, other times it’s open for all body points, or all fixations. They generally do 2 different types of inquiry questions either in the format of a repeating question in a dyad or more of an exploration in triads.
For more information please contact: joey@leela.org

5 Fixation Group

We meet online every month as people with the 5 fixation and use techniques from the Leela School to explore further into the structures of the fixation and our true essence. Everybody can come up with subjects or questions that are put into a format of repeating questions or a small exercise. In couples, small groups or robin round we do the exploration always ending with „what if all of this was dropped now“ or some other way to go from fixation to essence. After sharing in the small groups, we usually share insights in the whole group. The meetings are organized in a private 5 fixation messenger group of facebook. Every few meetings we also invite people with other fixations to join our inquiry meeting and then announce the invitation on the sangha facebook page. You are welcome to contact Arna Vliegen-Verschure (info@servicetobeone.nl) or Jutta Gelzer (juttagelzer@gmail.com).

3 Fixation Group

The 3 fixation support group is a 2 or 3 monthly event to support students who recognise the 3 fixation for themselves or want to learn more about how ‘the 3 story’ plays out in their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
We are an open online group, so all students that have been part of an enneagram retreat of the Leela School at least once are welcome.
This meeting takes place usually at a Wednesday or Thursday and we vary in our starting time to make sure that all timezones can participate. You can visit the True Friends Sangha facebook page to look for our next meeting. We practice in English.
We usually work in pairs or triads so you can choose to be in the role of a True Friend, client and or observer.
It gives you the opportunity to exchange your experiences and talk to others about this fixation and break the trance of it.
The meeting is hosted by skills mentor Marja, and experienced students like Tim, Neil and Gordon .
We look forward to see you next time!
Contact for questions: marja@harrijvan.nl

Practicing Together

There is a Facebook messenger group for practicing together existing. It is very open and meant for everybody. All are welcome to spontaneously write as soon as they would like to practice and set up a meeting. That makes it easy to get together. If you would like to join, please let Martin know via Facebook messenger and he will add you to this group.

Trauma, Resilience and Beyond

In our trauma offerings we explore skillful means for meeting trauma responses in ourselves and others using Leela School skills as well as resources from experts in this field. We also discover together what is untouched by all traumatic events and responses, what is always whole, silent and at peace.  Offerings take the shape of workshops as well as open sharing gatherings.  For more information please contact Margot margot.gedert@gmail.com.