elisa millonig leela school directory

Elisa Millonig


Since the age of 12 I've had an intense wish to know how to love. I was drawn to ecology, received and learned psychotherapy methods and in various paths searched for a better me.
A lot was helpful but nothing really relieved the feeling of lack and pain. Instead, everything was pointing to something deeper. Finally I found reliable spiritual guidance that led to opening and surrender to what we truly are - as an ongoing unfolding.

Deeply grateful to share this, I am available for your support and here to welcome whatever shows up.

Contact me for sessions in German or English:
+43650 4545046, elisa@innersource.at

Contact Information

Zip/Post Code
English, German


1, Tannengasse 1 Gaenserndorf, 2230, Austria
1, Tannengasse 1 Gaenserndorf, 2230, Austria