Heidi Polzin, Leela School Mentor

Heidi Polzin


It was at an Enneagram Retreat in 2002 in Hamburg that I met Eli for the first time.  Without ever searching for a teacher and even though in the beginning, I understood only a fraction of what he was saying, it immediately became clear to me that I had found a real teacher.  In some way his words went into the depths by themselves and were heard from something that had always been there.

His invitation to discover and to be true to this deeper quality of being which is present in each and every one of us has been so convincing for me that I consistently followed it from then on.

The enneagram and the therapeutic skills of NLP and clinical hypnosis have proven to be powerful tools to uncover how we veil this precious treasure in us. When used responsibly it's like a map that helps us find our way home.

In 2006 I started with the training in Leela Therapy.  In my daily work as an osteopath for adults and babies, these techniques and the unshakable knowledge of our true identity naturally flow into it.  In silence I can recognize that there is a natural intelligence shining through in everyone that you can follow with your hands or some therapeutic interventions.

I am happy to assist you in looking through the various veils to finally discover your own radiant self.

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