Mentor/Teacher Program

Teacher/Mentor Program

We encourage those looking for deepening self-realization, and stability in being a True Friend, that you commit to the True Friend Immersion for more than two years. If you are called, you will deepen each year, and your skills will be refined. By year three, you can apply to enter into the Leela School Mentor and Teacher Program, which, if accepted into the program, will be the focus of your third year in the Leela School. Offering deeper insights into the nature of the deep structures of the egoic mind and emotions, and the experiential exploration of the qualities of essence, you will be preparing for your next step.

This year offers the jumping off point where skills become art, and you discover your inner capacity to be creative in the moment of serving. Waking up from the trance of suffering is now a living possibility. This year involves assisting students of the school, while discovering what is required to be an effective Mentor and Teacher. You will be an active participant in the classes of the school, mentoring new students, and teaching the lessons that you are ready to share. There will be ongoing one-on-one sessions with your teachers and guides, as well as a study group for the sharing of cases and skillful means with your fellow classmates. This year is more personally structured to assist you in maximizing your potential, whether as a mentor or teacher.

Once you are certified as a mentor, you will not need to pay tuition to attend retreats, and you will be paid for any student/mentor sessions you give during Module 2.



Leela Therapy Training Certification

Advanced Certification - Enneagram for Liberation

3 Full Years as a Leela School Student