Enneagram of Liberation Retreat – US
Enneagram of Liberation
5-day Retreat in Ashland, OR
In-Person or Online
April 10 – 14, 2025
The enneagram of liberation is an ancient and powerful wisdom mirror. The unique way that Eli presents it, in the context of non-duality, helps you see clearly through the structure of your egoic identity. This course is designed for helping professionals who want to deepen their realization and to incorporate this powerful tool into their existing coaching, teaching or therapeutic practice.
In this course you will:
- Discover a new depth of insight into your own and your clients’ egoic fixation.
- Learn about the historical roots of this Pythagorean Mystery School teaching and its modern application to Character Fixation.
- Receive Eli’s decades of intimate knowledge of this map of the ego; uncover its true potential as a wisdom mirror to reflect who you are not in the search for your true self.
- Learn the skillful means of embodied inquiry to facilitate insight
- Receive loving support to discover your true self underneath the fixation.
This course is led by Eli Jaxon-Bear and Lisa Schumacher.
This retreat can be attended in-person or online via Zoom. Please let us know how you will be attending by putting a note in the notes section of your registration.
Location (for in-person participants):
Jackson Wellsprings
2253 Oregon Hwy 99 N
Ashland, OR 97520
Onsite Camping / Domes and Tepees are available. For more information please click here: https://www.jacksonwellsprings.com/campground
*To Book a spot please contact Jackson Wellsprings directly (by phone) and let them know you are with The Leela School.
Tentative Schedule (in US Pacific Time):
Friday April 10th – Sunday April 13th- Three Meetings each day at 11am, 3pm and 6pm
Monday April 14th: Two Meetings at 11am and 3pm
Each Meeting lasts approximately 90 minutes.
Cancellation policy
If you need to cancel your registration, please email us at info@leela.org
If you cancel more than 30 days before the retreat begins your full payment minus $50.00 will be refunded. After that no refunds are given.
This course is equal to 20 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) for students applying for advanced certification or certification renewals.