"What I’m continuing to realize is that the internal warfare is fueled by different sides of the same ego. An ego that I am now able to see and examine and meet as a true friend. Give myself the time to remain curious and open without immediate movement and the peace that comes with the stillness."
– Caleb, Eugene, Oregon
"One of the things I want to say about this course is that it really is in service to humanity… I’ve been learning without realizing I’m learning. Things shift and we come home to ourselves. It’s such a blessing… So much love is coming out of this and such a coming home to one’s self. And then being able to use that absolutely in service to humanity."
– Jane, Hilton, Australia
"I really feel like this has taught me a whole new way of being with people, of being with myself, of being a therapist. It’s a whole new way of getting to the root of things… It literally has transformed every relationship in my life…I feel like I have really come home to myself in this program."
– Kim, Klamath Falls, Oregon
Welcome to our Online and Oregon-based 10-month psilocybin facilitator program
This Psilocybin Facilitator Program for trauma-informed, skillful and compassionate psilocybin-assisted therapy is designed to prepare you for the State of Oregon’s facilitator licensure.
We train highly skilled, ethical and compassionate facilitators to support the heart-to-heart therapeutic use of psilocybin for healing, growth and self-realization, while honoring the cultural heritage and sacred plant wisdom of indigenous people. Through this program, we serve global healing and awakening, and inspire unconditional respect for human dignity, equality and diversity.
The Leela School is licensed by the Oregon Health Authority and the State of Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC).

Become Part of the Psychedelic Transformation
Psilocybin's Immense Healing Potential
The power to elicit non-ordinary states of consciousness have been known, revered and used by Indigenous cultures in Mesoamerica for centuries. The origins of its ritual and therapeutic use can be traced to the Mazatec people of the mountains of Oaxaca, from where the sacred plant wisdom spread to the rest of the world in the 1950s. Despite its promising therapeutic properties, the active compound in “magic mushrooms” was banned for research purposes and its use was deemed illegal as part of the 1970s war on drugs.

Things are changing - sacred medicine is being embraced by Western science
Clinical trials made a steady return in the early 21st century with promising results for the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction and end of life care, starting a psychedelic therapeutic rediscovery. As a result, the Food and Drug Administration designated psilocybin a “breakthrough therapy” in 2018. Leading specialists refer to it as the “therapy of the future”.
"Based on the worldview of Mazatec peoples, mushrooms should not be considered a drug or psychoactive substance, but rather sacred beings or entities with whom reciprocal relationships are established."

Be part of the transformation
We are on the precipice of a quantum leap in mental health, an expansion of human consciousness and a quickened global awakening. If you feel the call to be part of this shift, we invite you to serve the re-awakening of ancient wisdom with integrity and care.

As modern people in sacred partnership, our intention is to honor the roots of this medicine, the people and the land that has brought it to us. Our vision is to work with psilocybin, not only for therapeutic benefits, but also to support the possibility of transcendence beyond personal identity.
Psilocybin Facilitator Training Program 2026
Our 10-month 200-hour Leela psilocybin facilitator program is heart-based, embodied and deeply experiential. It takes place online and in 2 in-person residential retreats. It prepares you for the State of Oregon licensure by uniquely combining:
✓ A focus on integrity and depth of rapport of heart-to-heart therapeutic work
✓ The support and safety of trauma-informed skills for deep healing
✓ Decades of experience in guiding expanded states of consciousness with hypnotherapeutic trance and plant medicine
✓ A unique emphasis on transcendence and its radically transformative potential both individually and globally
10 months, 200 hours
9 hybrid modules
36 people cohort
2 residential retreats
You will receive...
- The foundation of being a True Friend - meeting yourself and others with a quiet mind and an open heart, in deep rapport
- The trauma-informed skills to guide clients through an effective preparation, a safe and healing journey, and an embodied integration for lasting changes
- Compassionate and highly experienced support for your own healing and self-realization - we believe that you can lovingly hold others only as deeply as you’ve known yourself.
- The practical experience, competence and confidence to meet clients at all 3 levels of plant medicine work: symptom removal, trauma healing and transcendence
- The opportunity to learn from an established, experienced and diverse set of trainers, medicine people and spiritual teachers
- The joy to learn and practice together in a supportive global community.
We welcome you here.
This program is for you if you...
Have interest in plant medicine and/or have experienced its healing potential first hand.
Would like to incorporate this powerful work in your existing therapeutic, teaching, coaching or facilitator offering in a licensed, safe and loving way.
Understand the depth of this work and feel the need to embody it fully before supporting others.
Wish to develop the therapeutic and somatic skills to safely navigate trauma.
Honor indigenous traditions and want to learn from their centuries-old wisdom.
Want to practice in a collaborative community

"I feel resourced on all levels for when the time comes to practice"
"I chose Leela for a number of reasons... As a psychotherapist already, the curriculum read as if it was gonna be really robust. It's totally lived up to my expectations.
I feel resourced on all levels to practice, when the time comes, as a facilitator - ethically, safely, and heart-ly.
The other thing that drew me was the experiential nature of the course. The invitation for self-inquiry, how it's impacted me on a deep level, on my own journey towards personal growth, evolution, and self-realization.
Literally one of the most significant experiences of my life."
Meet Your Instructors
Our instructors come from a variety of fields including psychology, medicine, education, public service and human rights. They exhibit a maturity of character, depth of being and mastery of the skills needed to support students and clients in deep healing and personal development.

Discover the Program with our Facilitators
Book a free 20min introductory call with one of our facilitators to get all of your questions answered.
"I chose Leela because it seemed to me, as a psychotherapist already, that the curriculum read as if it was going to be really robust. I’t's totally lived up to expectations. I feel resourced on all levels to practice as a facilitator safely ethically and heartfully. The other thing that drew me was the experiential nature of the course, the invitation for self inquiry, how it's impacted on a deep level, my own journey towards personal growth and evolution and self realization.
It has lived up to and far exceeded my expectations. This is literally one of the most significant experience of my life and that's continued, that hasn't diminished. There is me before this training and me after it."
~Nichola, 2024 Cohort
"Being in this Child Protective Services job for a little over a month now, it's been really amazing to apply all of the teachings that I've gotten in the Psilocybin Training we've been doing for the last nine months. Being able to be present really opened my eyes. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I belong in the job sphere. I actually enjoy waking up and going to work. I was a firm believer in the philosophy that you can't help other people until you've helped yourself. That's an integral part of the Leela School – it’s not only helping you be a true friend to other people, but also be a true friend to yourself and get yourself to a point where you're ready to be a facilitator."
~ Student in 2024 Cohort
Under the "cap"
In addition to our comprehensive curriculum, you will be supported to deepen your self-realisation and skills via 2 meetings in small pod groups.
Our Detailed Calendar

Join us in January 2026
About the Leela School
The Leela School is a world wide, non-profit foundation that traditionally offers a 2-year Leela Practitioner training, accredited by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. We offer mentoring and retreats for spiritual awakening; we train therapists, coaches and guides to support their clients in self-discovery. We teach the skillful means for healing psychological and emotional wounds from the ground of a silent mind and an open heart. We embody non-dual realization in the service of awakening.

"I think you guys are the most authentic, focused, Foundation of people that really are laser focusing in on a common goal. Most of my life, I've been a destination person, if I could just get here, then I'll have the knowledge. In January wanted to get a certification and heal the world. Down deep in my hidden self I wanted to be known as a healer, and I've I've been hanging on to that, and I've let that go. So physiologically and emotionally, I'm more centered than I've ever been in my life and I credit a lot to this program, I'd pay $10,000 to take the class without the psilocybin facilitator. I don't make a lot of money and I don't have a lot of money, but I do that because the value, the trajectory of my life is significantly changed."
~ David, 2024 Cohort
"I came into this feeling a lot of anxiety, depression, and self hatred. I was basked with this unconditional love and silence that carried my consciousness and perception of life to a whole other level. The peace I felt and still feel is something beyond words, and something that carried with me back home. This has been the first time in a while where I have felt completely relaxed, detached, surrendered, and able to feel comfortable in my own skin."
~ Student in 2024 Cohort
"How Can I Join this Program?"
Curious to know more?
Send us a message with your questions. We will come back to you as soon as we can.