
The True Friend weekend did me a lot of good because I felt very safe, protected and seen in the space opened there. The beautifully sequenced partner exercises were fun. Their exploratory nature made me experience the quality of my habitual responses to the outside world. Openly being there in the attitude of the True… Read more “Caroline”

I just wanted to say thank you. I have just come back from a (another) life changing practice session with a wonderful companionship by a Berlin student at Leela School. The people and therapists here learn to ask the right questions at the right time until the house of cards falls and only love remains.… Read more “Miki”

Dear Gangaji and Eli, A letter seems to want to be written, so here it is: a report to let you know how this form is being used, how the Truth moving through this form is being used. Gratitude wants to be expressed over and over and over. The Leela School has been a profound… Read more “Margot”
Hi friends, as I’m writing this report, my wife Traudy and I are on a ferry to New York City to consult with the first of three top aortic heart surgeons. Over the next few weeks we will try and come up with a solution for a deteriorating heart problem that can not be easily… Read more “John”
A Testimony of Gratitude

Dear Gangaji and Eli, A letter seems to want to be written, so here it is: a report to let you know how this form is being used, how the Truth moving through this form is being used. Gratitude wants to be expressed over and over and over. The Leela School has been a profound… Read more “A Testimony of Gratitude”
Dearest Eli, I would like to give you an update. I learned so much in this period. All the episodes with my body throughout my life have been great teachings! The inflammation in my hip is cured with Turmeric extract. Apparently this is very good for joints and inflammation. The hip is not that worn… Read more “Lucie”
Dear Jared and Stevie, Thank you so much for the recent Leela School retreat. You and Stevie exemplified true friendship so deeply and profoundly I feel we were all and continue to be blessed beyond measure by your devotion and love of truth. Your willingness to be presence and space itself made us stronger in… Read more “Natasa”
The recent retreat still continues to amaze me. I am repeatedly surprised by not feeling that I am ‘contained’ in my body or by anything that is going on around me. Presence seems to expand and recede in awareness, never going away….I keep expecting it to! I just keep wanting to be still and be!… Read more “Jane”
Being a busy full-time hypnotherapist for some years, I had no need nor intention to take another hypnotherapy certification course. However, when The Leela School for Advanced Clinical Hypnosis started a certification course in 2016, I was surprised and delighted, and I knew immediately that I wanted to go. I was surprised because I had… Read more “Kemila”

I had my first session with Jared on Maui, 2015 and it was a true game changer for me. I was aware of my 9 fixation but only from a cognitive/textbook understanding. Until this session I had no visceral connection with what was running underneath the surface. Thanks to Jared’s clarity and openness, something very… Read more “Joey”

I have been so blessed to work regularly with Avram over the last couple of years! He has helped me immensely in recognizing the subtle ways that I am deceived by my ego. He is always present to guide me back towards the intelligent Truth in the center of my being. I feel that my… Read more “Casey”
I am going home after this first year of the Leela School with an open heart full of love and a burning flame inside my heart, my power combined with my deep love. Ready to meet and face everything and full of gratitude.

Saying Yes to this is the most precious gift. Open to go from fixation to freedom and be free from any trance.

The Leela School = The School of Life. I STOPPED and now I feel like a clear lake. I am so relaxed and free as in my happy childhood years. I am home and will never leave. Thank you Eli and teachers.

The main lesson for me was that Stillness is the only thing that really matters. Connecting with the stillness gave continuous rise to true love itself. And I realized that in this true self everything can happen and I will find a way to handle it.

From the beginning of the arising of yes being part of the Leela School, I knew I was Home. Surrendering to willingness to burn, it has been deepening right into stillness. Love taking over. Clarity about the mind being a servant, or stopping right in the midst. At the feet of the master, a born… Read more “Marie-Christine”
I am learning to let everything go and expect nothing in return. I have experienced the space and the lightnes of being so I am drawn to know and feel more.
If you want to live in peace with yourself, all your relations and the world, join/visit the Leela School, you are so welcome.
These ten days for me is an awakening to be a True Friend, to be, not doing. To stay in truth. My heart blowing open into the love.
I attended Leela School to get to know myself on a deeper level than just what you see in behavior. It became very clear what I want, what makes me happy and how to live my life in a way that happiness and insight never leave. My loved ones also benefit from this. I am… Read more “Irma”
A unique combination, skillful means together with deep, maybe the deepest insights. I experienced this and I will integrate it in Silence. In my life I have been in many groups of people but this group was by far the most upright. Teachers and mentors from which I could not guess in advance that they… Read more “Martina”
A more than beautiful way to deepen and learn the skillful means! It has been so beautiful, I am so grateful.
Sweet friends, I cannot believe how my life has changed since Australia. There has been the most profound awakening to my heart through the grace of our teacher. People are waking up left right and center through true friendship. Just learning how sensitive we all really are has allowed me to realize that this soul… Read more “Jitendra”

Dearest Eli, Sending you lots of love from India. Together with Dominique we traveled from Mahabalipuram to Pondicherry and finally to the Arunachala. So lucky to visit this place, to live on the feet to this mountain and to feel this huge and supportive invitation to stop and to be still. I see you and… Read more “Heidi”

Bouquet of gratitude for Leela School true friend/mentor/teacher Stevie. Affectionately dubbed ‘I’-surgeon, his scalpel deftly teases through the illusory egoic fabric of character fixation. Patient steady eyes & ears probe deep & vast …via a lens that is paradoxically microscopic & macroscopic…as layers of misidentification–incarnations of suffering–peel away to reveal the true ‘I’ beyond all… Read more “Gila”
I just finished the Module 1 of the school and I want to share with you what is happening inside. I can’t find words, how big the shift is! This isn’t nothing less than a paradigm change! I worked with clients as a psychotherapist before, but I did it from a totally different view. I… Read more “Silvia”

Dear Eli, Wow. Observing what is unfolding in this retreat feels like watching alchemy, or magic, or some other such thing. The culmination of so many converging factors: your initial vision for the school to serve the awakening and peace for all beings; your lifetime of work- as beautifully outlined in The Awakened Guide –… Read more “Stevie”

Dear Eli, It’s been a few weeks now since our one-on-one meeting and I would like to report to you how immensely happy and grateful I am for this precious opportunity to meet with you! Yesterday, in trying to describe meeting with you to my brother, I said: “it was like meeting the coolest, most… Read more “Caroline”
Dear Eli, Jared, Leesa and Stevie, I want to thank you from every cell in my being for creating such a profound course where I can feel so lovingly supported to journey into the absolute unknown of living through love. Not a manufactured love through the limitations of thought but a gob smacking love that… Read more “Rebecca”
At the beginning of the True Friend Weekend I felt very exhausted and burnt out, yet had no clue what was missing. Through the exercises, lovingly and precisely guided by Caroline and Heidi, the veils could lift so that I was able to make my way home full of energy and carried by silence again.… Read more “Ralf”
I experienced the True Friend Weekend as dynamic and playful, yet profound. It was a joy to experience Heidi and Caroline as well attuned to each other, fresh and humorous. I perceived the techniques as simple and accessible and at the same time surprisingly effective to get closer to myself, to be in a true… Read more “Ricarda”
Already during the True Friend Weekend I observed changes, for example noticing whether I was being a true friend while writing an e-mail. What I learned is so helpful and I feel so much more joy and fun in my counseling work. And having gotten a notion of deeper clarity and innate capacity ‘knocks the… Read more “Martin”

Dear dear Eli, The thinker has vanished. Happiness is here (where It Is always, but the thinker thought she had to pull the right strings; one marionette playing with another — joke’s on me😁). Love waterfalls through this being now, pouring out of my pores, and laughter is the music. On the cusp of your… Read more “Gila”
Video Testimonial

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Die Leela Schule = Die Schule des Lebens. ICH HABE GESTEOPPT und fühle mich jetzt wie ein klarer See. Ich bin so entspannt und frei wie in meinen glücklichen Kinderjahren. Ich bin zu Hause und werde nie wieder weggehen. Danke Eli und den Lehrern.

Ja dazu zu sagen ist das wertvollste Geschenk. Öffne dich, um von der Fixierung in die Freiheit zu gehen und dich von jeder Trance zu befreien.

Ich bin so gesegnet, dass ich in den letzten Jahren regelmäßig mit Avram gearbeitet habe! Er hat mir ungemein geholfen, die subtilen Wege zu erkennen, auf denen ich von meinem Ego getäuscht werde. Er ist immer da, um mich zurück zur intelligenten Wahrheit im Zentrum meines Seins zu führen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass meine… Read more “Casey”
Nach diesem ersten Jahr an der Leela-Schule gehe ich nach Hause mit einem offenen Herzen voller Liebe und einer brennenden Flamme in meinem Herzen, meiner Kraft kombiniert mit meiner tiefen Liebe. Ich bin bereit, mich allem zu stellen und bin voller Dankbarkeit.