
Free Meeting With Eli-Jaxon-Bear

Discover what is Real. You will be invited to speak with Eli and receive answers to your most urgent questions, supported by like-minded community from around the world. This open meeting is a chance for you to go deeper.

eli hug 2

cIn Service of Awakening

The Meeting Includes:

✔︎  Chance to speak directly to Eli

✔︎  Receive the transmission of Love

✔︎  Break free of repeating patterns

✔︎  Community of like-minded people

Check Your Timezone

US Pacific Time: Fri April 26, 6pm
AU AEST Time: Sat April 27th at 11am
NZ NZST Time: Sat April 27th at 1pm
EU CEST Time: Fri April 26, 3am

Get Access to the Meeting

Total Cost


When You Take a Moment to Stop and Meet Yourself...

"I love Eli’s straight forward simplicity and the depth which I feel with him. I am so thankful that sometimes a free evening is offered in this way!"

"I was rooted in the fear that simply being is not enough. But what a great misconception. The peace I seek, and hear in your words, I find only by being nothing at all. There’s the gold. There’s beauty. Thank you Eli Jaxon-Bear"

Who is Eli Jaxon-Bear?

Eli Jaxon-Bear is an American spiritual teacher and author of several ground-breaking books including, Fixation to Freedom: The Enneagram of Liberation. He lives in Ashland, Oregon, with his wife Gangaji who is also a spiritual teacher. Before he met his final teacher, Sri H.W.L. Poonja - Papaji, in 1990, he was best known for his new model of the Enneagram taking it deeper than personality to the core of ego. Now he infuses his mastery and depth of experience with the enneagram, with his teacher’s transmission of a silent mind and open heart, and the possibility for final liberation through self-realization.

Eli has taught hundreds of enneagram retreats all over the world, working with thousands of people to discover their true nature. His mastery is reflected in his capacity to work with individuals directly during the retreats and courses, both to identify the correct fixation, and to assist the student to wake up from the trance of their personal identity.